Treasury just released the new rate for saving bonds this morning. The rate for EE Bonds is adjusted to 2.84% based on 90% of the average 5-year treasury bond rate in the last six months. The rate for I bond is adjusted to 3.39%, including 1.0% fixed rate and 2.38% floating rate based on last six month's inflation readings.
In comparison, EE bonds yielded $2.61% while I bonds yields 2.19% (including 1.10% fixed rate) in the last six months.
I started to play saving bonds back in November. Since then, I bought $50 - $100 saving bonds every month. So far, I have a holding of $25 in EE bonds and $525 in I bonds. The reason I prefer I bonds is because its inflation-protection feature. However, as the fixed rate in I bonds moved down another notch to 1.0% now, I might consider to put some money into EE bonds as well.