Glad to see you're back to blogging. I hope you make sure your 0% APR Balance Transfer balance is still in effect, as sometimes a missed payment like this can cause it to be thrown off so you will see finance charges next month. Just FYI. maybe it's not.
Hey MM. I had the exact same thing happen with HSBC. They refunded as well when I asked nicely. I'm all about using credit cards wisely, but it is possible to slip from time to time.
I'm glad that they were nice enough to refund your money. In this environment, I'm sure they want to try and keep all their good paying customers.
YAY!!! Congrats. If at first you don't succeed, persistence is key! :D Its happen to me before. Sometimes you just have to shuffle through some Customer Service Reps.
You should also check your other credit card APRates asap. One missed payment, even when it is on a different card, can trigger your other promotional rates to rise significantly.
I accidently missed a payment at Citi and they were also nice enough to waive the late fee and interest charge after asking nicely. I thought I had made payment online but I think I may have accidently forgot to submit / confirm the transaction.
Coincedently, I have the same Discover card and did a recent balance transfer to it, and forgot that I had to make a payment until I read this posting about your Discover card. I was 2 days late as well.:-/ Hope they refund me too!
To be honest, i am quite excited to see your journey and looking forward to the upcoming posts. I am just starting to think of the 1st 1M USD to enable my dream in China. Wish you the best:-) By the way, China is expected to change dramaticly with great progress,play significant role in the world economy and during globalization. Therefore, i just want to have myself well prepared to serve Chinese better with my professional skills. As a 28 year-old Chinese,i am quite eager to see the great changes from China and myself.
Looks like they refunded my late fee and finance charges as well.
You're so right. If you are always on time with payments and call the bank about the charges, they usually will take them off. Some good things do happen!!
I have had a similar experience with a credit card company. People need to know to ask.
and that's why i use an automated check issuing system.
It always helps to ask nicely, what the worst thing that can happen they will say no?
Thanks for sharing. This happened to me as well. If you are a good customer, with a good history, most credit card companies will waive a fee. It's when it starts becoming a regular thing that it gets messy.
I had that happen to me as well - managing too many cards and accounts can lead to one slipping through the crack. I have been trying to cut back lately so it doesn't happen again!
I also slipped up with Discover not too long ago, but I so totally forgot the payment that it was over 30 days late and I received a collection call at work before I realized I had forgotten the payment. In my conversation with the CSR, I never even had to ask for a refund of the late charges, but I did have to pay the interest charges for the following month's payment (I usually pay the bill in full every month). They were also kind enough to not report me as 30 days delinquent to the credit bureaus.
I don't buy the absence....you had time to buy and sell your positions while you were "traveling" for this screwed up billion dollar P&L. What are you hiding Daniel-son?
You need to address this or your creditability is nothing.
This has happened to me 2 times in the last 5 years and on both occasions I was able to get the Customer Resp to look at my history of paying their bills promptly and they were nice enough to waive it. Note that it does not matter whether those reps are based in India or U.S it still works. I have good opinions about Citi CS.
This has happened to me 2 times in the last 5 years and on both occasions I was able to get the Customer Reps to look at my history of paying their bills "promptly" and they were nice enough to waive it. Note that it does not matter whether those reps are based in India or U.S it still works. I have good opinions about Citi CS.
This happened to me once, and it took a lot of phone time before I could finally get them to reverse the charge (I've been an on-time customer for years!)
It happens to the best of us! What's important is how you recover...
I still don't buy that you "disappeared" for 2 months and left the blog hanging....
SOMETHING STINKS ABOUT THIS WHOLE THING!!!! Bow to your master daniel-son for uncovering your deception.
Wow, amazing that customer service still exists...
Does Discover have some kind of grace period so you don't look at universal default issues with other creditors?
Might seem like a newbie question but just heard that universal defaults can cause a lot of problems to a lot of folks...
See....the incredible blogger has disappeared again!!!
Folks, I hope I am not ruining your impressions but this dude is an operative in China. All the messages he posts are actually hidden messages to the Chinese intelligence officials.
For example, his statement above "The workload surge in the last two months caused many slips in my life. Not only was I forced into a "sabbatical leave" from blogging, I didn't even notice that I have fallen behind on a monthly credit card payment."
This actually is coded meaning..."Fear doesn't exist in my dojo, does it?"....which to everyone back in China means that this is the all clear!!! Operation is in progress.
Looking forward to new posts.
Astounding and outstanding! I had this happen recently with a department store card I've had for at least 10 years with nary a payment issue, and I was so irritated I just paid off the card and closed it. I realize that isn't always possible with a major credit card.