Experian maintains an interesting site NationalScore.com showing various credit-related statistics for United States as a nation and every single state.
Some interesting facts:
- Average credit score is 678 based on Experian's "PLUS Score" range between 330 and 830. Region-wise, New Englanders have the highest average credit score of 699.
- US average credit card debt is $10,147 and average minimal monthly payment is $479.and New England again leads the league with an average balance of $13,208 and average minimal monthly payment of $560.
- US consumers on average have 3.15 credit cards and use 24.5% of available credit line. On average, each consumer has 0.76 account that is currently past due by one payment or more.
You may also use the Area Score feature to check out how your particular area (based on zip code) compares to the state, the region and the nation as a whole.
Of course, Experian set up this site not only for informational purposes. Among others, the site promotes the Experian Credit Manager Plus, which allows one to constantly monitor his/her credit report/PLUS score and customized score simulator for credit score improvement suggestions. It is free for 30 days and the annual fee is $79.95.
Source: CardWeb