Not many people can tell what specifically influences your credit score. According to a recent survey reported on Cardweb, up to 45% of consumers think there is a connection between income and credit score.
The official FICO score, which ranges between 300 and 850, is actually decided by five and only factors.
- Timely Payments (35%)
- Debt Level (30%)
- Credit History Length (15%)
- Recent Credit Application (10%)
- Credit Types (10%)
Last time I check, my credit score is at 714. While it is not bad, it is only marginally higher than the national average. Apparently, I'm affected by my relatively short credit history, and a-bit-too-high credit application frequency (to exploit some hot deals). My credit score is gaining 5-10 points every month these days, and even at the current level, it is good enough to land me most of the best deals.
PFBlog Bonus: Check out, a free web site by Experian that shows your the average US consumer credit profile, including credit score, debt, credit usage, minimal monthly payments, open credit cards, late payments and credit inquiries. (Check out PFBlog review too.)