If you ever received a denial for credit card application, you know you are entitled to a free credit report from the same credit reporting agency that furnished your credit information to the credit card issuer. Normally you will need to write or call an 800 number to get your free credit report, which may take days, if not weeks.
I just discovered that Experian offers a web page that allows people to get such credit reports online in a couple of minutes free of charge from the below link:
Aside from your SSN and basic information, you will need to provide the name of the financial institution that denied your credit request in order to get this free report.
For people with no recent denial history, you might still get a free report from Experian if you try out its 30-day free membership of its Credit Manager service (you will need to remember to cancel the service in 30 days to avoid the monthly membership fee of $9.95).
In addition, starting from later this year, people may start to get one free credit report per year from each of the three major reporting agencies.
Source: FatWallet Finance Forum
(This post is part of PFBlog Product Review series. Check out more reviews here.)