If you want to read more personal finance-related resource more efficiently, this post is for you. I'm summariing the tools and resources I use in my daily personal finance readings in this post.
First, you will save tremendous time by using a news reader instead of jogging among different web sites and trying to keep tracking of what you have read and not. My recommendation is Bloglines, a free web-based news reader that allows you to track your favorite blogs all in one place. (You may notice that PFBlog keeps a Bloglines icon on the left that allows you to subscribe immediately.)
Second, you probably know that lots of the big names have provided RSS feeds to news readers like Bloglines. It is now easier to track them too in news readers.
In terms of the resources I recommend, as a starter, try the following resources (you can always search the names in Bloglines to get the exact feed -- if your search returns more than one feed, any one of them will work):
The Motley Fool (Fool.com is one of my favorite personal finance sites)
Moreover - Personal Finance News (it includes BankRate and some other news sources)
New York Times: Business (the best daily business news commentary)
If you have more time (say, more than one hour per day), you probably will be helped by keeping track of the following additional blogs (order by my preference):
Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
The Kirk Report
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
CNN Money: Commentary
BusinessWeek (several sources)
Wall Street Journal
If you read till this point (and checked out the above-mentioned resources), I assume you are as interested as I am in personal finance. I hope you will be a long-time reader of this site and I appreciate you can do one of the following things to help this blog:
1) Spread the words: if you know your friends will enjoy this blog, please spread the words so they will know a good place to
2) Cross-link: if you own a web site and are willing to cross link, please link my site and send a note to webmaster@pfblog.com with your site name and URL. I'll link your site within two business days.
3) Do not ignore the sponsors: Google is doing a good job to providing relevant advertisers to this site. If you are interested in certain products, please read on by clicking the banners. Of course I understand not all financial products are as great as they advertised. Feel free to send me a link if you want an unbaised analysis of a certain product.
Good luck and blog on!
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