ExactChoice.com claimed it is the "independent, unbiased and advertising-free" buying guide for computers. By asking you a list of question the search-engine like web site will give you a list of choices from top names like Dell, Compaq, Gateway, IBM and Sony that matches your requirements. For each choice, the site will give out the detailed specification and pricing information. It also allows you to change the spec and get an updated price on the fly. If you decide to buy, it will give you the step-by-step instructions as of which web site to go and how to change the default configuration.
ExactChoice provides the service for a referral fee it will earn from each sales lead. The referral fee does not affect the price to the end customer, though.
ExactChoice seems to be a good resource if you know your next computer is only available thru "built to order" because you have unique (or unpopular) requirements. Otherwise, a better deal may be available from resellers if some kinds of rebates are available.
(This post is part of PFBlog Product Review series. Check out more reviews here.)