For the whole year of 2000 I was filling gas in Arco more than 50% of the time. Although it charges 35c transaction fee and only accepts debit card, it offers very low price in deed.
Recently I found safeway gas station (Bel-Red Rd, 140th Ave) to be an even better place to fill my tank. It usually offers a bit higher price (3c/gallon more), but offers 3c/gallon discount to safeway grocery card owners (I am one of them). Moreover, it accepts credit cards, which means I can get 1% cash back too. Adding the 35c transaction fee I saved, I can be better off by 50c or more in a regular fill.
I am looking for a credit card which may give me more rebates in gas. Considering my annual spending on gas tops $1,000, any 1% saving means $10 to me every year with no effort.