A warm welcome to those who found us via Kiplinger's Personal Finance's recent coverage. I hope you found this site useful and interesting! Every week, we present dozens of fresh stories that covers every corner of personal finance, inside and out. Please share the best from the past seven days!
Bloggers' Personal Stories
• JLP shared his personal mission statement. Very inspirational!
• CC shared some personal insights into emergency fund at Common Cents.
• Jim bought a (new) used car from a local dealer.
• MM is not satisfied with ReplayTV's customer service.
• Prospect starts to lay out his spending plan. See Part 1 and Part 2.
• CC is building out his personal finance dashboard.
Personal Finance News and Resources
• What's the best deal you've ever got? Read the series at Free Money Finance where people save anywhere from a few hundred dollars to a few hundred grands!
• JLP collected a buch of mission statements from major companies. A good read!
• Can you believe the cost of a pet can be $48,000 in 10 years? Also more financial horrer stories from pet owners.
• Nickel picked up a CNN/Money home price forecast on top 100 markets.
• The very popular Jim Cramer's Mad Money notes continues at Reasoned Investing: 6/6, 6/7, 6/8, 6/9, 6/10.
• We certainly don't appreciate having to pay tax on every online purchase, but 43 states do.
• MM's struggle: are there any good reward card deals still around?
• Nathan completed his stock option study. Share his view on what are options and its pros and cons.
• BA read into the lines of Bob Olstein's prediction of S&P 500 in the next 12 months.
• More stories about Warren Buffett: the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting notes, and the virtue of patience.
• Great report from Jim and his friend on tax lien auction.
• Do you know there are more than 7 million millionaires around the world?
Personal Finance Tips
• Free Money Finance presents tips for lovers (on wedding spend),
new graduates, and beginners for investing.
• Some amazing deals from Comcast and more tips from Jim.
• JLP calculates the penalty of starting late in the saving game. Canadian Capitalist Arbee explored the concept one level further. He concludes that the early-bird advantage is not as big as we though. (Good analysis on the time value of money.)
• Medical billing errors are frequent and it's good to be on the lookout.
• Nickel discusses 15 dumbest money moves.