USAToday breaks out how each presidential candidate stands in terms of economy and tax issues. Here are the viewpoints of the top dogs:
George W. Bush (R)
Wants $3,000 re-employment accounts to help the unemployed with job-search expenses. Make recently passed temporary tax cuts permanent. Ease business regulations, pursue more free trade deals, increase domestic energy production, save costs to the economy by limiting class-action suits and medical malpractice liability.
Sen. John Forbes Kerry (D-MA)
Roll back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans; keep parts of the package for middle and low-income people. Spend on highways, school construction, pollution cleanup, energy projects and more to create 3 million jobs in 500 days.
Sen. John R. Edwards (D-NC)
Eliminate Bush's tax cuts for Americans earning at least $240,000. Set top capital gains tax rate at 25 percent for Americans earning at least $400,000. Give 10 percent tax cut to companies that make products in U.S. Establish new fund for rural business and incentives for urban business. Tax credit of up to $5,000 for first-time homebuyers. Cut federal work force by 10 percent over 10 years by attrition, excluding defense and domestic security personnel.